Monday, August 5, 2024

These Two Old Ladies


Annabell and Maddie are our oldest dogs. Anna is 14 this year and Maddie is 12. A couple of months ago they each had a senior dog visit at a new vet. I was pleased with the first experience when we took Maddie in first. We talked about her problems with her back and told them I was a bit concerned with how long Maddie was on one pain medication. He was concerned, too. We ended up eliminating one and continuing with the other along with a new injection that he found was very successful with older, big dogs like Maddie. 

When her blood work came back they had found she had a bacterial infection that was quite complex so we started her on an antibiotic. After a couple days she lost all interest in her food. This was troubling so I called the vet right away. 

Another vet was working that week so I talked to him about it. He was very interested and we had quite a long conversation. He switched her antibiotic and told me to get with the other vet when she was through with that run of medicine. 

Another vet was working when I went back and delivered another sample to be tested to check on the infection. I didn't hear back for a while so I called. The original vet went over everything that happened while he was gone, not understanding why the medicine was switched, but then turned to the sample left. He asked for another one, explaining how important it was to have a 'clean' sample. It was. Both times. I was miffed, but whatever. He never quite grasped what I was saying when I told him how long she was off the meds. He told me 10 days after the last pill. It had been longer, but he didn't hear me. So I provided another one. I gave it a week before I called. They wanted to grow a culture and I figured it would take longer. 

He finally said this was not an ordinary urinary tract infection and wanted to see what was going on, not wanting to just continually prescribe antibiotics. She is taking one now, but we know it's not going to fix it.

This Friday we take her to get an ultrasound. It's a 45 minute drive to the vet in Roseville. Maddie will be thrilled! She loves car rides. We will have to put up with the windows down in the heat so she can hang her face in the wind and produce all that drool that she creates in her happiness. The hard part is getting her into the car. 

Annabell is getting, well, more annoying by the hour. She can't help it, but, man oh man, the wailing, the yipping and spontaneous barking really takes its toll. She spends her day trying to convince us that she has NEVER had any food and we need to feed her RIGHT NOW! She continually patrols the kitchen floor for any microscopic morsels may have managed to escape her prior patrol...5 minutes ago. 
She lays in the bedroom moaning in quick, staccato yips for hours. We check on her, take her for walks around the yard, feed her more snacks than she should get (mostly veggies these days) and calm her really loud barks when she finds herself alone and doesn't know where we are. She's still eating well, of course, and still asks to go outside, the business end of the old lady still working, but I don't know how long she will be with us. Don't want to think that way, but when she isn't able to be Anna anymore, it's not fair to have her suffer. 

In the meantime, we listen to the chirping, barks and yowls, let her know she's not alone, pet, pet, pet and tell her she's a good girl even when we have heard it all day. She still wags her tail when I ask her if she's happy and she still runs around like a crazy dog so excited when Bill comes home from work. 

As long as she's happy, we're happy. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Memorable Trip

                         (The date on this layout is wrong. It should be December. It's been fixed)

I've been sharing the layouts from a 2001 trip from Indianapolis to Omaha on my DeannaScraps Facebook Page, but thought I would put them all together here. 

It was fun going through the photos looking for something to scrapbook when I ran across this trip!

I had met a sweet lady, Doris Gordon, in our neighborhood at a craft fair that was going on. We struck up a conversation and a friendship began. I would help her with her groceries and things around the house, along with just popping in for a visit to chat. She'd shared that she loved road trips as we talked about our trips to see Bill's parents in Omaha, Nebraska. She hadn't been on a trip since her husband had passed away. 

At some point, I thought it would be nice to take her on a road trip! We talked about it a bit and she was really excited for it. I checked with my in-laws to see if it was okay and they were pretty surprised it was going to be Doris! 

Honestly, I don't remember a lot of the actual details of the trip anymore, but the pictures were a reminder of what a nice trip it was for everyone. Mary was absolutely thrilled to take her new friend on a trip with her! It was just the three of us and I'm so happy that we could share this with her.

It's about 600 miles from Indianapolis to Omaha so it's a long, long drive in a day, but we made it okay with many stops along the way, I'm sure.

It was well worth it, though. Mary was ready for Grandma and Grandpa hugs.

Mary really loved sharing her grandparents with Doris. 

It's always fun to try on Grandpa's race car helmet. 

Surprisingly, the December weather was nice enough for Mary to have time on the swing in the back yard.

Our trip back to Indianapolis was without troubles of any kind. Maybe the only thing was not enough play time at McDonald's. The ice cream was good, though.

We stopped in Amana, Iowa on the way home. We had seen the signs before and joked about how it would be a town with a refrigerator on every corner. Doris wanted to see it, so off we went on a small side trip. We weren't there a long time, but it was a great place to stop and stretch our legs, fill the tank and see what there was to see before dark.

The beautiful sunset as we headed back to Interstate 80 was a perfect end to our little side trip. The rest of the drive home would be in the dark. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

What the Doggie hell is going on?

You know those cute little puppies you brought home? They were a lot of work, but the cuteness overload made up for all that, right? Well, they get old. We have two elder dogs, one just joined the elder club and the youngest is gaining on them.

We really didn't have too many issues with any of the dogs over the years. A couple mishaps that took them to the vet, but they were always pretty healthy. 


When we first moved back here to California, the first incident was Annabell and Bailey getting into an argument under the bed over territory. The second was for Maddie when we found her in the hallway not able to get up. You can read about that on this blog post.

She's been back to the vet for check ups and it was time for her annual old lady exam. We found a vet closer to home and did not have appointments scheduled out six weeks, so I got on the books. Maddie is almost 90 pounds and not being able to jump, getting into the car is not easy. We get her front paws up and then lift her around her belly with a gentle push to get her up and in. The seats are folded down and a dog bed is ready so her ride is soft and safe. 

The new vet was very attentive. Offered another option for her degenerative spine and hip issues. She's been on medication for pain since that visit in 2020. We had bloodwork done and he called me the next day wanting us to pick up some antibiotics for a bacterial infection. One of the side effects was loss of appetite. Well, she's quit eating. I'll be on the phone with the vet today to let them know and maybe get a different antibiotic. 

Just a couple of days after Maddie had her visit and was alert, happy and full of puppy things she seemed to remember, Annabell decided it was her turn.

A couple years ago she went to the vet when she started walking along the walls and falling over a lot. Turned out to be a neurological condition that older dogs can acquire and looks like she was one. She was different after that first episode and we adapted to her behavior. She's always been happy and loving the things she always did, so we just went along with what she needed. 

One day she came out in the morning, tail hanging down, which is a pretty good sign that she doesn't feel good. (All of the dogs do this) She was having trouble going potty. We started with the normal things to try and get her to go; pumpkin, no more kibble, more rice and veggies. Soon, though, she started refusing food. This never happens. Ever. I think she forgets she has eaten and started to let us know she wants food, so throughout the day she gets a snack; usually fresh veggies or fruit snacks. 

I told the vet I'd be bringing her for her annual wellness visit, but didn't expect an additional issue. You never know if she's eaten something causing a blockage and that's dangerous. I caught her trying to eat a piece of mulch the other day, so you just never know.

This visit we met a different vet. He was also very thorough. He examined her much more than the other vet a couple years ago. We told her we called her Zombie dog because of how she'll just stand and stare for a long time several times during the day. She doesn't hear well. She doesn't see too well. And, honestly, I think she forgets what she's doing a lot. She lays on the floor in the bedroom and squeaks a lot. Little yips that brings us into the room to see if she's okay. She's really happy to see us! I think she forgets we are home and is announcing her displeasure that she's all alone. He explained more about her condition and addressed the bowel issues. The X-rays showed no blockage, just full. More pumpkin! She actually resolved that issue within the next 24 hours. She was so happy and so hungry! She's doing fine now. Cooing and chirping a lot still, but happy. 

Ellie. Miss Needy. Miss 'fraidy pants. 

This one started having loose poo. 
A lot.
There could be many reasons for this. First, she doesn't eat until her Mommy eats. This means she rarely eats with the other dogs. I don't pay attention to this. She has her own schedule, she's certainly not on mine.  She can also be a little picky when it comes to her food. It looks different. It's touching. (Breakfast food must be separated. Dinner food should be mixed just so.) Or she wanted scrambled eggs because Annabell got them and she didn't. Or she was miffed because Dad was out of town. Who knows?

But she quit eating and running outside to poo a lot. Kept drinking water, though. We kept a good eye on her and she was asking to go out less and less, so on Saturday we decided to go out to get some groceries. 

We came home to quite the shit show. 

Poor Ellie was probably anxious along with the tummy troubles and we actually thought there might be a little mishap or two, but this was more than a mishap. Let's just say that the washer, the carpet cleaner and the hard wood floor cleaner all got quite a workout, along with a roll of paper towels, rags and towels and continued assurance to Ellie that she wasn't in trouble. She looked so ashamed. 

As of today she's doing better. Of course, Bill came home yesterday so all the dogs are relieved and happy that everyone is where they are supposed to be. We'll see how she is doing when she is moving around more. She's currently taking care of her human while she's sleeping. 

Really don't want to have to take her to the vet, but will, of course, if necessary.

Meanwhile, I told this one... behave herself and do nothing causing a vet visit! She's been really good since her medical issues from a while ago, so I really don't want her to feel left out, but stay healthy!! 

That's about it for the doggy update for now. I think I hear Annabell squeaking. I better go remind her I'm home.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Decisions Decisions

 Trying to decide which platform to use. If you see this, can you please check out the Wordpress blog and tell me which one you like better? I've be underground for such a long time and want to get back to writing. It will be slow. It may be horrible. It may break my brain. More. I'm going to try.

Deanna Scraps – Deanna Anthony (

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Anyone want a Bailey update?

 Months have gone by with antics of Miss Piddle Pants! Her new nickname currently is Digger, though.

So far, her bladder issues have been resolved. She has been on the special diet and her latest checkup showed no stones. This, unfortunately, will be a lifelong issue for her, so she needs the diet that the Dr. proscribed. I have hopes, though, of feeding her a more natural diet. I have found a homeopathic vet and hope to get her off of or mostly off of the kibble. Her health is what matters and she's doing fine now.

Except for the digging.

We planted grass in the side yard, but last summer we stopped watering and it's gone now. The water bill won out over that project. Now it's just dirt. The dogs don't mind. They run along the fence chasing people on the other side walking their dogs. It's fun. Bailey, though, has found out that digging is also fun. She doesn't make big holes, but I worry that she might dig under the fence, so we discourage it. With the rain season coming up we also have the issue of mud control. So, we put up a little fence so we can block it off when necessary. The dogs don't like that at all, as you may have guessed.
Bailey has been introduced to dressing up lately. Ellie is the dog in the house that loves to get dressed! Bailey got some hand-me-downs. Bailey is not too sure about the whole thing but seems to like her new shirt. She took it out of the laundry basket the other day. 
She seems to think she has to carry it while she's wearing it. 
Maddie is top of the list for us worrying right now. Not long ago she had a mass taken off one of her front elbows. It was cancer free but was making it difficult for her to lay down and she'd limp a little. We've been working on her weight to help with her getting around. She has some back issues and has been on pain meds for quite a while, but lately she's been having more trouble. The only way we can tell if she's uncomfortable is by her mood. She always grumps at the other dogs when they invade her space, but sometimes the level of grump increases. That used to happen on walk days, and sometimes we give her an extra pain pill at night for her comfort. 

Lately she is having a lot of grumpy days and groans a lot when getting up or laying down. And she has been limping a lot on that same leg she had the surgery on. She has a big lump near the top of the leg, and it has gotten bigger, so it's time to get looked at again. 

She's still happy, especially around 3:30 when she knows that Bill is on the way home from work, then right after dinner when she expects something from the dog toy drawer. She doesn't stand too often for very long. We move a comfy dog bed wherever she seems to plant herself for the day.

She has an appointment on Friday with the vet. Hoping for the best. 

Ellie doesn't look like she enjoys dressing up. I think she's just upset that Bailey has her shirt.