Months have gone by with antics of Miss Piddle Pants! Her new nickname currently is Digger, though.
So far, her bladder issues have been resolved. She has been on the special diet and her latest checkup showed no stones. This, unfortunately, will be a lifelong issue for her, so she needs the diet that the Dr. proscribed. I have hopes, though, of feeding her a more natural diet. I have found a homeopathic vet and hope to get her off of or mostly off of the kibble. Her health is what matters and she's doing fine now.
Except for the digging.
We planted grass in the side yard, but last summer we stopped watering and it's gone now. The water bill won out over that project. Now it's just dirt. The dogs don't mind. They run along the fence chasing people on the other side walking their dogs. It's fun. Bailey, though, has found out that digging is also fun. She doesn't make big holes, but I worry that she might dig under the fence, so we discourage it. With the rain season coming up we also have the issue of mud control. So, we put up a little fence so we can block it off when necessary. The dogs don't like that at all, as you may have guessed.
Bailey has been introduced to dressing up lately. Ellie is the dog in the house that loves to get dressed! Bailey got some hand-me-downs. Bailey is not too sure about the whole thing but seems to like her new shirt. She took it out of the laundry basket the other day.
Maddie is top of the list for us worrying right now. Not long ago she had a mass taken off one of her front elbows. It was cancer free but was making it difficult for her to lay down and she'd limp a little. We've been working on her weight to help with her getting around. She has some back issues and has been on pain meds for quite a while, but lately she's been having more trouble. The only way we can tell if she's uncomfortable is by her mood. She always grumps at the other dogs when they invade her space, but sometimes the level of grump increases. That used to happen on walk days, and sometimes we give her an extra pain pill at night for her comfort.
Lately she is having a lot of grumpy days and groans a lot when getting up or laying down. And she has been limping a lot on that same leg she had the surgery on. She has a big lump near the top of the leg, and it has gotten bigger, so it's time to get looked at again.
She's still happy, especially around 3:30 when she knows that Bill is on the way home from work, then right after dinner when she expects something from the dog toy drawer. She doesn't stand too often for very long. We move a comfy dog bed wherever she seems to plant herself for the day.
She has an appointment on Friday with the vet. Hoping for the best.
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