Monday, January 28, 2019

The Balloons we almost didn't see in Mesquite!

Saturday Mary and I drove off to Mesquite to see the hot air balloons! I saw this event on Facebook, always looking for something new and fun to do around us. Mesquite is only about an hour away, so it was perfect for a day trip. Bill stayed home with the dogs and some football time.

We planned to leave earlier than we did, but we were there in plenty of time.

We spotted some balloons in the air as we rounded a corner on the Interstate as we approached the exit. A truck in front of us pulled over to the side of the road before the exit. I expected that he wanted a few pictures to take home after work that day.

We turned the corner at the Casablanca Hotel amid the bumper to bumper cars parked along the street and a whole lot of people standing around the area where the balloons were. It was slow going down the street looking for where we were to park. We spotted the event parking sign, but no one was pulling in there, so we continued down the street looking for another entrance. We didn't find one.

I turned on the next big street thinking I would circle the block, but this particular street went off in another direction and soon we were climbing and heading south. I could see the interstate in the distance and eventually turned around. We stopped a couple times for Mary to take a few pictures of the balloons in the air.

By the time we made it back to where we started the staging area was empty. The balloons were all gone except for one that was providing little 'rides' up in the basket, a long line trailing through the parking lot of people waiting patiently.

Mary got some awesome shots and I think this one is my favorite.

The Facebook page mentioned something going on in the evening, so we decided to head north and visit St. George, Utah again. And that's where Denny's is. We were hungry. And we had a coupon.

Denny's was very busy with a lot of people waiting, but the counter was open, so we perched ourselves on those stools, pulled out the phones and looked at pictures of balloons. The food was good; the servers were good; it was good.

Mary looked around on her phone for some things to do there in St. George other than shopping or hiking. Since we had gone through some stores on Main during our last visit, we decided to head north out of St. George and see what there was to see in the next couple of towns. Mary found an antique store she thought looked interesting, so off we went to Hurricane, Utah!

 It wasn't too far, just a few minutes away and one circling of the block when looking for the antique store. We found tons of stuff that caught our interest, but it was all over for Mary when she found really old books. The first one was concerning dogs, dated 1929. She held on to it, certain she wanted to buy it, until she found this...

A Chemical Spectroscopy book from 1947.

Yeah. I don't know either.

But it sure made her happy! I mean, giddy, giggling happy!

Then we went into this bookstore and she found a really, really old book on pathology and was SO disappointed because it was really, really expensive.  

We headed back to St. George, hoping to see more balloons. Mary called the casino to see if someone could verify that there would be something going on and was told there would be a 'glowing' at six that evening.

We had a couple of hours to kill once we got back to Mesquite, so we took a few pictures here and there and decided to try the fare at the Eureka Hotel.

Wasn't bad.

The 'glowing' wasn't to be found. The hotel told Mary that the 'glowing' would be held in the staging area where they took off from in the morning, but when we drove by there wasn't a balloon to be found. The casino's parking lot was packed and people were wandering around, but I thought they may have been just as misinformed as we were. We decided to just head home. It was dark and looking for parking and then figuring out what was going on was just not worth it. We'd had a really good day! We did see balloons, but not all of them on the ground.

I'll end this post with just a couple of doggie pictures. Bailey is doing really well! And she's just so cute.

Bailey and Ellie play a lot! It makes me happy to see them having fun together.

Bailey is learning restraint when trying to communicate with Annabell, who really doesn't want to have anything to do with her, yet.

It's a good sign, too, that neither Maddie or Annabell has eaten Bailey yet.

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